I believe, that public procurement is not a necessary bad, but – if applied well – a straight guideline to a successful procurement.
I graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law in 2005 with a cum laude qualification, and in 2010 I passed the legal professional exam. My professional career started at the Legal Group of the Újbuda Municipality in 2003. Then, from 2005, I became a consultant of the Public Procurement Group. I was given a decisive role in the preparation of the Public Procurement Regulations of the Local Government of Újbuda, which remained effective for nearly 10 years. Until 2007, I was involved in more than 30 procedures.
From September 2007, as a tender assistant at Synergon Informatika Nyrt., I was responsible for about 30 proposals and tenders a year. Among others, I have been involved in major public procurement procedures such as: toll collecting system (partly in English), IT investment at MTV’s new headquarters, Budapest Spa Bath entrance system, outsourcing IT support for BKV (project FUTÁR), the TÉBA project. As an employee at S&G Consulting Kft., my main task was to manage the public procurement of the City of Kecskemét. Here I was introduced to the operation of the locally centralized public procurement system.
Since Nessum was founded, I myself am responsible for the professional work and management as well. In both the classic and public service sectors, I conducted procedures for several governmental institutes, hospitals, local governments and even for the Hungarian ANSP, the Hungarocontrol Zrt. I earned practical experience in the procurements and partial supervision of EU-funded projects. As an assigned BID manager, I have supported my clients in bidding for purchasing a wide range of items and services, not only in Hungary but other EU and non-EU counties like – among others – Estonia, Denmark, Cyprus.
Országos Korányi TBC és Pulmonológiai Intézet
Belváros-Lipótváros Közterület-Felügyelet
Egészségügyi Engedélyezési és Közigazgatási Hivatal
Forster Központ (műemlékvédelem)
Belváros-Lipótváros Városüzemeltető Kft.
Fadd Nagyközség Önkormányzata
Katolikus Szeretetszolgálat
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kórház
Szentes Város Önkormányzata
Attraktív-Kert Kft.
Show & Game Kft.
Grontmij Canor Kft.
IP Systems Kft.
Audmax Broadcast Kft.
EasTron Kft.
Johnny van Haeften Ltd.
Carlton Hobbs LLC
Navitasoft Zrt.